For as long as anyone could remember, the Littletown Library stood there.
It was there so long that people stopped paying attention to it . . . until one day, a tornado came and carried the whole thing away.
What should be done with the space where the library used to be?
The builder wants a new skyscraper.
The grocer wants a new parking lot.
Nia wants a new library . . . but how can one person build a whole library?
Readers of all ages will love this clever twist on a classic folktale – about the joy of books, the power of community, and the way even the biggest things can start with almost nothing at all.
This might be one of the cleverest picture books I have ever read. In the summary, it says that this is a clever twist on a classic folktale. I didn’t know what said folktale was until the end of the story, then I was like, ‘Ohhh, now I get it.’ It was a fun surprise.
I love going to the library. When my mom and I go to the library with my service dog, Dude, we always talk to the librarian for a long time. Librarians love Dude.
There are so many things you can do at the library besides reading. There are after-school programs for kids, various classes offered, and much more.
Even in a world where you can read any book you want on a screen, physical books will never go out of style. For one thing, physical books won’t die on you like your phone or other digital device. Unless you drop the book in the bathtub.
Be sure to check out the Author’s Note to read about the real-life event that inspired this story.