A missing diamond.
A 500-year-old necklace.
A mystery dating back to the time of William Shakespeare.
Named after a character from Shakespeares play, Much Ado About Nothing, misfit 6th grader Hero isnt at all interested in this literary connection. But when an eccentric neighbor tells her that a million-dollar diamond might be hidden in her new house and that it could reveal something about Shakespeares true identity, Hero is determined to live up to her name and uncover the mystery.
My knowledge of Shakespeare isnt exactly vast. I read Romeo and Juliet in 9th grade and Othello in 10th grade. I drew a comic book based on a scene from each story for homework assignments. Both stories were pretty good, just hard to understand. Thats the problem with Shakespeare. Its not that the writing is bad, its just hard to understand because no one talks like that anymore. I find it hard to believe that anyone ever spoke like that.
I can kind of understand why Hero doesnt like her own name. She mostly doesnt like it because she gets teased because of it. At her new school, she gets teased immediately after someone makes one stupid comment, and the kids are relentless. I know I wouldnt be able to handle it. Personally, I like her name. Its more original than mine.
Anyone out there remember Animaniacs short cartoon versions of A Midsummer Nights Dream, Hamlet, and MacBeth, where Yakko would recite Shakespeare while Dot would translate for those viewers, like Yakko, who have no idea what hes saying. From what I can tell, they were pretty decent translations. I wish they had done a cartoon about Much Ado about Nothing, mainly because I dont know much about the play. I read a summary of the play on one of those Shakespeare cheat sheet websites. In simple terms, its a Shakespearean-styled romantic comedy. Im not kidding. This play has all the makings of a 21st-century romantic comedy. It has two people falling in love, a bad guy who tries to ruin the couples happiness by making the girl seem unfaithful. While thats happening, another couple who argues a lot somehow ends up together, and everything turns out ok in the end. Personally, its something I wouldnt willingly read because Im not into romantic comedies.
There are actually three mysteries in this story. 1) Who wrote the plays? 2) Where is the diamond hidden? 3) And another mystery squeezed in that youll have to read the book to find out.
Once again, I wont say too much, so I dont give away the mystery. But I will say this: do you see the diamond shape under the title, the one with the falcon wearing a crown and holding a scepter? Its important. Also, check out the Authors Note and the Historical Timeline at the end of the book to find out whats fact and whats fiction.
This weeks Weird but True Fact about William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare invented many new words and phrases, including eyeball and in a pickle.