Young Children
What color is a dog’s bark?
The ring of a school bell?
Or the patter of falling rain?
Just asked Jillian, because for every sound she hears, she sees a color!
This wonderful picture book introduces kids to their five senses and synesthesia, a condition in which one sense triggers another, a sort of ‘special extra sense.’
I was really excited to find a picture book about a kid with synesthesia. This is a difference that doesn’t get nearly enough attention. I’ve read only one other book about synesthesia. A middle-grade book titled ‘A Mango-Shaped Space.’ Here’s a link to my review of said book:
I like how at the end of the book, the author shared her own experiences with kids with synesthesia. I especially liked the list of ways the students explained their special sense. Here’s my favorite one:
I felt afraid to tell anyone in case I would be teased, but now I realize that I’m not alone. Now I feel special and proud of my extra sense.