Come join our eensy-weensy, teeny-tiny Sea Bunny as it makes its way sloooooowly across the ocean floor. You’ll be sure to float away with some interesting facts, like how sea bunnies use slime to move, or why predators trying to chomp our speckled friend are in for an unsavory surprise.
Because deep below the surface, there’s more to every toxic sponge-eating creature than meets the eye!
The world is full of strange animals, most of which live in the ocean.
Sea Bunny Slugs are such weird cute little sea slugs. How is this a sea animal?
It looks like a little stuffed animal. There are, in fact, sea bunny plush toys online, and I’m considering buying one.
I’m really impressed by the author’s story-telling skills. I know from personal experience how hard it is to write a picture book that is both entertaining and informational for young readers. I also loved the funny back-and-forth dialogue between the adult narrator and the child narrator.