The strange adventures of Gravity Falls continue in this collection of 4 brand-new tales never before revealed!
Answering questions that were never asked!
Just when you thought the story was over . . . BAM! It comes back again! So far Gravity Falls has made two comebacks. The first one was the Cipher Hunt. Remember that one-second glimpse of an actual Bill Cipher statue in the series finale? Well, that was the first clue in the race to find the statue.
I wont give away too much info about what happens in this book, but I will say a few things:
1) There are two references to the show Rick and Morty; one you have to look closely to see, and the other is more obvious to those who have watched the show.
2) Prepare for various art styles.
3) This book reminds me of Bottomless Pit and Little Gift Shop of Horrors. Instead of one long story, there are four mini ones.
This book contains a secret code that leads to a secret website, which has more information on various characters. I found this out when I was on a certain website that decoded all the coded messages on Gravity Falls (I know its cheating, but not everyone is good at decoding messages). Below is a link to the secret site for anyone who couldnt find the secret code.
Including the shows Kim Possible and Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls is one of the best shows Disney Channel has ever had. Speaking of Phineas and Ferb, I always thought it was a shame that the two shows never had a crossover. I mean, they both take place over summer vacation, and the drawing styles were similar enough. There are so many reasons why Gravity Falls is such a great show. Its clever and fun. It has mysteries and depth. Its not just a kids show. The action gets your heart racing, and the tender moments get you right in the heart. Its the kind of show that brings people together and teaches you without you knowing it. To prove my point, click below to see one of my favorite fan-made videos sharing the 13 life lessons Gravity Falls has taught us.
Even though the show ended with everyone wanting more, at least it ended with everything being wrapped up and no questions left unanswered. Thats the one good things about Disney Channel shows. They always end a series with a solid ending, unlike some shows where the series gets canceled on a cliffhanger.
There is a very high chance that we havent seen the last of Gravity Falls. Maybe Disney will make a live-action movie ten or so years from now, like with the upcoming 2019 Kim Possible movie. And we definitely havent seen the last of Alex Hirsch, who recently signed a deal with Netflix. Whatever he has planned next, Im hoping hell be doing some voice acting. Before I end this review, Id like to share one last video. The Gravity Falls cast reenacting the first episode. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
This weeks Weird but True Fact about Coded Messages
Julius Caesar, leader of the Roman Empire, used codes to communicate with his generals. Each letter he wrote was actually the third letter after the correct one in the alphabet. For instance, to spell out attack he writes dwwdfn.